Monday, December 7, 2009

Welcome to the discussion forum on Liberia.

This discussion forum is to promote the Republic of Liberia and Liberians both at home and abroad to the higest level to the rest of the World. You are welcome to discuss any topic relative to up lifting Liberia. This blog is part of the web site that I have built to promote Liberia and to help promote Liberian businesses of all types and shapes and sizes both at home and abroad. Currently I need a list of schools in Liberia to put to the website so that people from all over the World can know about schools in Liberia.
I also need the list of Hospitals, churches, organizations etc. Do you know how to get the list or can you please help me with the list? Here is the web site providing free services to Liberia and Liberians. Click here now and see for yourself


  1. Tambason,

    Today's message has really moved me but now our office is in the
    process of closing down for Christmas.

    Howvever, I promised to join this movement as Liberia still needs to
    be pushed forward. For now, my advise goes to Government Officials of
    the day. "Discremination" All their cars/vehicles are tinted. We go
    down to our kneels to ask the masses to vote us but soon we get to the
    House of Senate/Representative, we are different.

    Frankly speaking, the 14 years war was a school, teachers college or
    even university for some people we are representing today. Some cannot
    read and write but they now know their rights. For example, the gone
    Senatorial Election in Montesorrado. Majority refuse to go out and
    vote. Let's think about it.

    Hope to join this team soon.


  2. vision is needed. the questions must be from who and where. selfness can never be the sole source of motivation when creating a properly functioning democracy, rather the people's interest must rest upon the shoulders of its selected leaders.

    we can do it My Liberian Brothers and Sisters

    God wants to be our resource, let us all believe .

    Long live our Country and forgive those who were influenced by the lack of knowledge and Love.


  3. Once again, thanks a million for the hard work. I hope that we had many of you folks out there trying to see MAMA LIBERIA. Keep up this splendid work.
    My concern has three parts, namely: The communication sent to Prof. Euphemia K. Abdullai: "The click here portion is not working as it should". It is not carrying you where you supposed to go. Please check this out. Secondly, if I got you correct, did you say that Prof. Euphemia K. Abdullai is in South Carolina? You made mention of two websites and Prof. Euphmeia K. Abdullai is supposed to be one of them. Please clarify that second portion of your main website. Lastly, we run a local NGO called "Liberia Care for Humanity, Inc,(LICH) and our website is as follows: You are welcome to visit our site and presumably add it up to the listings of local NGOs, who are in the vanguard of doing some work here in Liberia to shape the destiny of our land.
    Regarding the information that you need, I will try to get you some.
    Bye from Liberia,
    It's me,
    M. Gailay Barclay
    Center for Testing and Evaluation
    University of Liberia

  4. Thank you very much Mr. Barclay, I will make the corrections in my newsletter this week.
    The information on the newsletter for the Advancement of Liberian Youth was given to me by Mr. Augustine Kortee Of South carolina. He gave me two website addresses. He lives in South Carolina. I will contact him to respond to your post also. I am very grateful for accepting to help provide info on the listing of schools in Liberia. The goal is to let the World know about Liberian schools so that anyone anywhere can choose to send students to Liberian schools just as the rest of the World does.
    Moses Bombo Tambason

  5. Center For The Advancement Of Liberian Youth-CFTAOLY is a registered, Tax-Exemt Organization in the US and An accredited NGO in Liberia.

    Our focus is on the Developemnt of the Liberian Youth.

  6. IS China engagement in small businesses in Liberia like restuarant, retail business creating jobs for ordinary Liberians or taking away jobs ?

  7. It is interesting that the Chinese are doing business in Liberia and engaging in restaurants and others. I don't want to believe that the Chinese's involvement in reestaurant business is taking away businesses from Liberians. This is because if I want to eat Chinese food then I will go to a Chinese restaurant and I want to eat a Liberian food I will also go to a Liberian restaurant. The Chinese movies have been in Africa in general and Liberia in particular for many years. Now we have the African soap opera movies and there is real competition now. We should begin now to lift our restaurants into another level and make it attractive to customers. The challenge is being able to prepare food that can attract customers!
    Omari Jackson
    Atlanta, GA

  8. I think i was luky to fine your video on you tu concerning chines involvement in lower business activities. china is a country that creating jobs for his people around the glob instead of creating jobs for the people. How ever,i enjoy your site and your activness in Liberia development. im very happy that i finde this site. I will keep in touch with you.

    Dote Brownell
